just human enough to be disappointed a bit and some- times, to be real honest, a bit hurt too at some of the unjustified gripes, snide remarks, and behind my back knife throwing that goes on.

However I am greatly bolstered when these times arise by the friendly counsel and encouragement of the special few amongst you who, realizing that this is going on,urge me to ignore it and concentrate on the more important matters. I'm human enough to be both surprised and wounded by the acts and words of various persons, but I'm coming to realize that this turning around is a rather usual process with some people. I am reminded of the old adage that the best way to lose a friend is to save him from drowning. How true! Anyway from now on I'm going to put that out of my sight and heart. I consider that I have pretty large responsibilities to you girls in TV-land. Not just to those of you I have found or have found me, but to probably many times your number who re- main to be found.

I not only have the literal responsibility of your names on the mailing list and your money that is sent in, but the intangible and moral responsib- ility I set myself when I first brought TVia out--to offer help, not just print something to sell--to cousel, not commercialize. TRANSVESTIA and the other publications I put out will continue on these same lines because for every reader that discontinues be- cause he no longer feels the need or has forgotten how it was B.T. (Before Transvestia), there 4 or 5 brand new recruits who need a helping hand. So thats my decision for 1964 and my resolution. What about yours. Are you thinking of putting your shoulder to the wheel someway? There is much to be done! The Foundation could use support both in finances and project help. I can point the road and I can open doors, but there is a real limit to my time and energy•

